Friday, September 9, 2011

Meaning #1


This image of a cross in a seascape setting is representational. It represents not only religion and Jesus Christ, it represents how people come together in times of sorrow. The image can also represent how religion is universal. Since the cross is in a seascape setting, it is almost as though the image is saying that religion is open to anyone who wants to believe. Many people depend on religion and faith, and the image can also portray the thought of religious support throughout every time of day and night. This image is representational in the way that it exemplifies religion, faith, support, and unity to anyone who is willing to believe.


This photo is an abstract image that derives from a representation. It includes the lyrics from John Lennon's "Imagine," and the creator has sculpted the words to form the shape of a peace sign. This image communicates to the viewer the importance of peace and unity, exemplifying how violence is unnecessary. The way the lyrics are shaped into a peace sign show how not only the message that the song itself is portraying, but also how peace can be achieved. Some lyrics included in this photo are: "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one." These lyrics, used as the branches in the peace sign, show how the idea of peace and unity is universal.

This photo is a symbol of recycling. It denotes the importance of recycling and specifically portrays through each arrow how recycling can help the environment. The top arrow includes an image of the sky. This section of the image shows that by recycling, one can help keep the sky clearer and less polluted while simultaneously keeping the ozone layer from becoming even more damaged. The right arrow includes an image of water. This arrow portrays not only how recycling can keep the ocean from becoming hazardous to animals but also how recycling can help to purify water. The left arrow includes an image of grass. The grass symbolizes plant life and the environment, and how recycling can help the environment immensely. The arrows surround a tree, which can symbolize oxygen. Trees are a primary source of oxygen, and many of the worlds' forests are being cut down. This lowers our oxygen supply and endangers our environment. By recycling, the need to cut down trees will decrease. This image shows how recycling can help the entire environment we live in.

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