Thursday, November 10, 2011


          The Beatles' Abbey Road album cover implicates that motion is occurring (see above). The image is of four men walking across a street in a single-file line. In the distance behind them is a car traveling towards the men. Since the album is entitled Abbey Road, it is fitting that the men are walking across a street, assumed to be that of the actual Abbey Road. Movement is implied not only because of the positioning of the men walking across the street, but also because of the positioning of the car in the middle of the road coming towards them a distance away. It would not be normal to park all of the cars in such formations as in this picture and have the men pose as if they were walking across the street. Thus, motion must be occurring at the time the image was taken.

          Yet another image of Taylor Swift (this one for her website) implies that motion is occurring. The image is of Taylor Swift wearing a vibrant read gown with a burst of red fabric exploding from behind her, as she is the center of the image.  There are different tones of the red in her gown being shown in this image, although it is quite certain that the pieces of fabric flowing around her are not actually part of her dress. It would be an incredibly complex and difficult job to create a sculpture of the movement of the dress and fabric behind Swift. Thus, it is only natural that the fabric and Swift herself are in motion at the time this image was photographed.

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